Christian Music from Asia for the World (DVD)

This DVD breaks open the gift that is the indigenous Christian music of Asia, showcasing some of the best music and chronicling the pioneering work of Dr. I-o Loh – a visionary and advocate of music across Asian cultures.

Through interviews and singing, this DVD helps music directors in North American churches bring the wonderful diversity of Christian music from Asia to their congregations,e expanding the breadth and depth of musical repertoire.

Throughout this DVD you will hear the wisdom of Dr. I-to Loh along with commentary from a host of practitioners and music scholars. You will learn about the profound impact that Dr. I-to Loh has had on Asian Christian music, how Asian music can deepen and enrich your worship, and what resources are available to help you introduce these beautiful melodies and plaintive, reflective texts to your congregation.

Every Christian community in the Western world is experiencing a growth in cultural diversity. It is only fitting that that we embrace the music of the Asian world in a spirit of welcome and hospitality. Let Christian Music from Asia for the World aid you in the journey toward inclusive worship.

Filmed during the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Symposium 2013 at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan USA.

Executive Producer
Robert J. Batastini
Edwin de Jong
Assistant Producer
Swee Hong Lim
Edwin de Jong
Edwin de Jong, Steve Niedzielski
Publication Year
GIA Publications, Inc.
Purchase from
Gia Publications