This volume of collected essays by Professor I-to Loh, the foremost Asian church musician and ethnomusicologyst, introduces a new generation of Christians in Asia and beyond the theological vision and issues of contexualisation of Asian liturgy and music. The essays, edited and introduced by Michael Poon, span over 25 years of research, music composition, and teaching. The book also includes a foreward by Lo Lung Kwong and an interprative esay by Lim Swee Hong. It makes an ideal textbook for seminary courses on Asian church music and theologial contextualization.
- Author
- Ito Loh
- Editor:
- Michael Poon
- Pages:
- 258
- Publication Year:
- 2012
- Publisher:
- Trinity Theological College
- ISBN 13:
- 978-981-07-1069-9
- Purchase From:
- Trinity Theological College
Profesor Loh I-to’s work in promoting church music and Asian theology with local cultural resources that can be distinctly identified as ‘truly Asia’ deserves our hightest applause and respect.
Thu En Yu, Principal of Sabah Theological Seminary, Malaysia
For many in the global ecumenical family Professor Loh I-to represents one of the most outstanding promoters of Asian church music today.
Dietric Werner, Programme Coordinator ETE / World Council of Churches
What would the world church be like if Asian Christians found their voice? I-to Loh has given us a sense of the musical richness of the diverse cultures that make up the largest and most complex contingent on the globe.
C. Michael Hawn, D.M.A. University Distinguished Professor of Church Music, Director, Sacred Music Program
Foreword by Lo Lung Kwong
Introduction Loh I-to as Bridge-Builder: Communication and Communion in the Asia Pacific – Michael Poon
Pilgrimage in Contextualisation
Toward Contextualisation of Church Music in Asia
Revisiting Ways of Contextualisation of Church Music in Asia
Contextualisation of Asian Liturgy and Music: From AILM to Global Contexts. A Personal Recollection, Reflection and Vision
Approaches to Contextualisation of Church Music: With Special Reference to “Welcoming Another Year with The Spring Breezes”
Quest for Asian Sounds and Symbols in Worship
Worshipping through Incarnational Music: My Mission
Contemporary Issues in Inculturation
Asian Symbols and Symbolic Acts
A Glimpse at Multipart Practices in Traditional Asian Music
Sign Posts
Contributions of ‘Asian’ Traditions to The Presbyterian New Hymnal, USA (1990)
A Survey of Texts and Musical Styles in Sound The Bamboo (2000) The Significance of Seng-Si 2009: The New Hymnal of The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
Loh I-to and His Work
I-to Loh: Life and Influences– Lim Swee Hong
Published Works of Loh I-to