The world of hymnody has a new, highly authoritative reference for seemingly “all things” related to Asian Christian hymnody. Noted hymnologist I-to Loh has gathered and assembled his studies and experiences and that of many, many colleagues relating to the history and practice of hymnody of a part of our world comprising many cultures and countries, not to mention spiritual influences.
Few resources, especially accessible to Western readers, have delved into the Christian sacred music of Asia; those that have tend to give only minimal examples, attempt to somehow combine all of Asia under a single umbrella, or examine only a few countries. The Hymnal Companion to “Sound the Bamboo” examines the hymns in their historical, cultural, and spiritual contexts of twenty-two countries-this in addition to the usual background stories of texts and tunes of specific hymns in the related hymnal and the biographies of their contributors. The book is also abundantly illustrated with music examples and photos of native instruments, liturgical spaces, and personages.
- Author
- I-to Loh
- Pages
- 654
- Publication Year
- 2011
- 978-1-57999-781-6
- Publisher
- GIA Publications, Inc.
- Language
- Main Text: English / Hymn Text: Various
- Purchase from
- Gia Publications
- Apple Books
Prefaces by Dr. Thu En Yu, Chairman ATESEA and Prawate hid-arn, CCA General Secretary
Forward by C. Michael Hawn, Director, Sacred Music Program, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University
Introduction by Carlton R. Young, Distinguished Composer / Hymnologist
Part 1: Asian Hymns in their Historical Perspectives
Asian Identities and Their Expressions of Christian Faith
From Acculturation and Inculturation to Contexualization
History and Development of Sound the Bamboo
Texts and Prominent Themes in Asian Hymns
Characteristic Features and Performance Styles in Asian Hymns
Harmonic Treatment in Asian Hymns
Symbols and Symbolic Acts in Asian Worship
Part 2: Asian Hymns in Their Cultural and Liturgical Contexts
Northeast Asia
Chinese Hymns
Hong Kong Hymns
Japanese Hymns
Korean Hymns
Taiwanese Hymns
Mainland Southeast Asia
Cambodian Hymns
Laotian Hymns
Malaysian Hymns
Myanmar Hymns
Singaporean Hymns
Thai Hymns
Vietnamese Hymns
Island Southeast Asia
Indonesian Hymns
Filipino Hymns
South Asian Subcontinent
Bengai Hymns
Indian Hymns
Nepalese Hymns
Pakistani Hymns
Sri Lankan Hymns
Southwest Pacific Ocean
Australian Hymns
New Zealand / Aotearoa Hymns
Papua New Guinean Hymns
Part 3: Biographies
Family Names in Alphabetical Order
Appendix: Resources of Asian Music, Worship and Arts